Instructions for Cleaning a Baseball Glove with Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner

  1. Preparation:

    • Gather Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner, a soft cloth, and a well-ventilated area.

    • Ensure your baseball glove is dry and free of excess dirt.

  2. Application:

    • Apply a generous amount of Mitt-Spit Glove Cleaner onto the Leather Lather Glove or a soft cloth.

    • Gently rub the cleaner onto the surface of the glove, focusing on areas with visible dirt or stains.

    • Let it sit on the glove for 1 -2 minutes, but not long enough for it to dry.

    • With a soft cloth, wipe away the soapy residue.

    • Watch the video.

  3. Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral Elements:

    • Mitt-Spit's Cleaner has a unique formulation with anti-bacterial and anti-viral elements.

    • These elements help eliminate harmful germs, ensuring a safer playing environment for children.

  4. Thorough Cleaning:

    • Pay special attention to webbings, pockets, and seams.

    • Work the cleaner into the leather, ensuring a comprehensive cleaning process.

  5. Drying:

    • Allow the glove to air-dry naturally, avoiding direct sunlight or artificial heat sources.

    • Ensure the glove is completely dry before putting it to use or storing it for the off-season.

  6. Regular Maintenance:

    • Repeat the cleaning process periodically to maintain optimal glove hygiene.

    • The importance of Mitt-Spit in preventing bacterial and viral buildup can’t be stressed enough as it reduces health risks for young players.

Instructions for Conditioning a Baseball Glove with Mitt-Spit Glove Oil

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure the baseball glove is clean and free from excess dirt.

    • Choose a well-ventilated area for the conditioning process.

  2. Application:

    • Place a small amount of Mitt-Spit Glove Oil on a soft cloth.

    • Rub the glove oil onto the leather surface, covering all areas evenly.

    • Watch the video.

  3. Massaging Technique:

    • Use a massaging motion to push the oil into the leather.

    • Pay special attention to areas prone to stiffness, such as the pocket and webbing.

  4. Importance of Conditioning:

    • The goal of conditioning with Mitt-Spit Glove Oil is to preserve the leather flexibility.

    • Regular oiling prevents drying, cracking, and stiffness, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

    • Mitt-Spit will extend the life of the glove.

      Regular conditioning maintains the glove's peak performance, especially in challenging weather conditions.

  5. Post-Application:

    • Allow the glove to sit for a few hours to absorb the oil.

    • Wipe off any excess oil.